Differences And Similarities Of Singing Live And In The Studio

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Whether it is difficult or easy to sing “live” and also in the studio, it depends on the singer.

Among the significant differences of singing in the studio and also Live is:

  1. Level of accuracy

The difference is singing in the studio and Live is in precision. During voice recording in the studio, accuracy is emphasized. Not only the singing itself, but also the way the singer breathes, and even exhales is taken into account.

Sometimes it takes a long time to record the Verse section to ensure that the song is really quality and good. The advantage of singing in this studio, we can re-record if our recording does not meet our needs.

In contrast to live singing Live. Singers do not have to be as thorough as vocal recordings in the studio. But, singing live can not be repeated.

2. Emotions

Singing in the studio and singing Live, both need the singer in a good emotional state. It is because if the emotions are disturbed, the singer will not be able to deliver the song well.

Before singing, the singer needs to be in a state of readiness and enough rest.

3. Stress

Singing in the studio is more stressful than singing live. It is because the vocal recording in the studio, requires precision. Sometimes when the singer is not able to sing well and needs to re-record, causing the singer to become stressed then will start to lose focus.

4. Nervous 

Trembling often happens to new singers even when singing live and also in the studio. How to overcome it, often make presentations and also recording sessions.

5. Skills

The skills required between the two are different. While performing, singers need to be proficient in how to interact with the audience, song selection, and also how to make the most of the stage space.

Singing in the studio is different. Singers need to be skilled in controlling singing in front of a microphone. This is because the microphone used in the studio is different from on stage.

6. Showmanship

While singing on stage, the singer has to hold the character as well as the character. It is because the singer not only entertains the audience with voice, but also with body style gestures. There are some movements that help the song stand out more.

Singing in the studio, the singer should also think like holding a character and also a character. Only, only sound. Singers need to have high concentration and emotion so that it can be conveyed well.

For more information about Live Band Performance Malaysia, please visit https://www.dfdcreations.com.my/

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