Seawater Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment

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Sea water treatment using Sea Water Reverse Osmosis (SWRO). Sea water treatment equipment is important because water is a natural resource that is vital for life on earth. Water sources can be obtained from sea water, ground water, spring water, river water and lake water.

Sea water is water in which various solids and gases are dissolved, for example: in 1000 grams of seawater there will be 35 grams of dissolved compounds which are collectively called salt, or in sea water 96.5 percent is water and 3.5 percent is dissolved substances.

Humans are often faced with a difficult situation where the source of fresh water / clean water is very limited and on the other hand there is an increase in the need for drinking water and the lack of knowledge of sea water treatment. For people who live in coastal areas, small islands such as the Kepulauan Seribu Jakarta, fresh water is a very important source of water. It is often heard that when the dry season begins to come, people living in coastal areas or small islands begin to lack water. Rain water is a source of freshwater that has been prepared in a rainwater storage tank but cannot meet the needs of the dry season. It is even worse for people living in the Middle East, which is a desert area where it is very difficult to get water sources, let alone clean water.

Even though we know that sea water sources are actually so abundant, the fact shows that there are many residential areas that develop in coastal areas. Seeing such a reality, humans have made efforts to treat seawater / brackish water into fresh water starting from using seawater treatment technology such as seawater desalination (distilling seawater), filtration and ionization (ion exchange). The source of salt / brackish water which is very abundant has made people think of processing it / converting sea water into fresh water. So that with the processing of sea water into clean water it will be easy to get drinking water even though it is not like drinking water that is already on land.

To meet the need for freshwater, experts have developed a seawater / brackish water treatment system with semipermeable membrane technology. The semipermeable membrane (membrane) is a molecular scale water filter membrane that can be easily penetrated by water molecules, but cannot or is difficult for other molecules larger than water molecules to pass through.

For more information about Seawater Reverse Osmosis Water Treatment Malaysia, please visit


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